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Cost and Maintenance Needs of a Roof vs. Ground Mounting for Solar Panels

Solar energy production is on the rise in the United States, with solar installations collecting enough power to provide electricity to nearly 3.5 million homes. Due to rising energy costs, the push for reliable renewable energy is growing. Solar power is one of the best ways homeowners can counter rising costs while helping the environment.

When looking at solar energy systems, there are two to consider. Roof vs. ground mounting systems have significant pros and cons to weigh when you’re set on lowering your carbon footprint.

Fortunately, you’ve made a visit to this helpful guide to learn about your options and determine the ideal fit for your needs. Continue reading to learn about the cost and maintenance of roof vs. ground mounting panels today!

What Is a Solar Roof Mount?

Rooftop solar panels are the most popular way to install a system to collect solar energy for your family or business. The solar panels are held in place by racks and brackets that attach to your roof and protect the panels during inclement weather.

The racking system can be used to mount solar panels on most types of roofing. It’s an excellent option for capturing more sunlight without using your yard to place your panels. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of rooftop solar mounts.

Pro: Less Expensive

Despite the effort required to install brackets and solar panels on the roof, roof-mounted panels are less expensive than ground mounts. The process is less expensive because you don’t need to start from scratch; the structure you’re installing the solar panels on is already in place.

Labor costs are also cheaper, helping you save more money. The labor is less intense when installing panels on your roof compared to mounting them in your yard.

Pro: Utilizes Unused Space

The roof is an area of your home that provides little value beyond protection from weather for your family and the home’s structure. It’s an open space that is perfect for collecting solar power. Your panels will collect the energy your household needs while lowering the interior temperatures.

The location also limits unauthorized access to your panels. You won’t need to worry about troublemakers attempting to damage or steal them, so you’ll enjoy peace of mind when you install them on the roof.

Con: Holes in the Roof

Installing your solar panels will solve your issues with sustainable power and green living, but the process could create new problems. Most solar installers drill holes into the roof, presenting the possibility of water damage in the future.

You’re also limited to the space on your roof, which could cut into the energy you can harvest. Still, it’s a viable option if you lack space in the yard for a solar panel array.

What Is a Solar Ground Mount?

Solar ground mounts involve installing the solar panels on brackets placed on the ground. They differ from solar roof mounts because the process does not start on the roof.

Ground mounts are the best option if your home or building lacks roof space for solar panels to collect energy. They’re also a practical option if you want access to the panels for maintenance and repairs.

Pro: Higher Energy Production

Placing your solar panels in the yard is beneficial if your primary goal is increased energy production and efficiency. These systems are free from obstructions, helping them maximize the solar energy they collect.

The flexibility of a ground-mounted setup is also beneficial when you begin lowering your carbon footprint with renewable energy. Adjust your panels for optimal energy collection. Changing the angle will help you get more direct sunlight as the sun moves across the horizon.

Pro: Better Access

One of the most frustrating parts of installing solar panels on your roof is the lack of access. When placed on a second-story roof, you’ll struggle to provide routine maintenance to your solar energy system.

Ground mounting provides easy access to clean the panels and remove any debris. The access to the panels also makes installing an electric vehicle carport a breeze.

Con: More Expensive

Your ground-mounted solar panels require more labor and time to install. Expect to pay more if you’re set on the ground mounting your solar panels. You can counter those expenses using the Solar Tax Credit for custom solar energy solutions.

You also risk damage to your solar panels because they’re more accessible to unwanted visitors, and their location puts them in harm’s way during severe weather events.

Roof vs. Ground Mounting Solar Panels: Cost and Maintenance

Now that you have a better idea of which solar energy system best suits your needs, it’s worth comparing the cost and maintenance of each. A good rule of thumb is to use a six-kilowatt system as the common denominator when comparing costs.

If you plan to install your solar panels on the ground in your yard, expect to pay a few thousand more dollars. The average six-kilowatt system costs around $18,000 when installed in your yard.

A roof-mounted system of the same size will cost $16,000 on average. Roof-mounted systems are less expensive because the installers can install the racks to the roof, saving time and resources.

For your maintenance needs, ground-mounted solar panels are the better investment. It’s much easier to clean and wipe down solar panels in your yard versus climbing a ladder after a snowstorm.

The extra money you’ll pay for easy access is worth the frustration and potential injuries of cleaning roof-mounted panels. Choose ground-mounted panels if you want a convenient experience while lowering your carbon footprint.

Schedule Your Solar Installation Today

Harnessing solar power to run lighting and electronics in your home will save you money and lower your carbon footprint. The dilemma is choosing between roof vs. ground mounting for your solar installation.

Roof-mounted panels offer more protection from the elements and cost less, but they are more challenging to maintain. Ground-mounting is more expensive but provides lower cost and maintenance.

Sustainable energy is the way of the future, and you can stay ahead of the curve by researching your options. Check out our blog content for more insights and tips for green living today!

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